Ipswich Chiropractic

The Importance of Being Active

Being physically active has many obvious benefits including maintaining and healthy weight, better immune system function and higher energy levels. But the advantages don’t end, being active can also help with stress and can help you to get into a good mood. Pairing physical activity with chiropractic care can help in many ways, including:

  • Increasing spinal adjustment longevity

  • Retention of good posture

  • Strengthening muscles

  • Improving body stability

  • Developing better ergonomic awareness

If you need help getting active, to improve your health in any of the aforementioned ways, Dr Paul Nothdurft can help you with chiropractic care. This care can help with:

  • Treat neck, back, shoulder, and extremity pain

  • Increase range of motion

  • Promote better posture

  • Improve join mobility

  • Decrease recovery time

  • Reduce stress

Whether you are active, or looking to get active, contact us on 07 3818 2488.

Rib Pain And Adjustments

If you have ever had a rib alignment you can understand the pain it may cause. The pain often can make laughing or breathing feel painful, and can sometimes be mistaken for issues that are far more significant such as heartburn, pleurisy, or a heart condition. Increasing rates of a sedentary lifestyle and poor posture can contribute to an increased chance of rib misalignment.

Many people believe that the rib cage is a stationary structure however this is not true and the rib cage can expand your entire body. When inhaling your chest expands, this is due to the flexibility of the joints between the spine and rib cage. These joints rise and fall with each breath, however, these joints can become inflamed and this is where the problem starts.

The symptoms of rib misalignment include:

  • Swelling and bruising

  • Extreme pain and difficulty when breathing

  • Painful sneezing and coughing

  • Tenderness

  • Pain when walking or moving

When treating rib pain chiropractic care is the best and safest option. Once Dr. Paul has determined the problematic rib, he is able to painlessly ‘pop’ it into place by using an array of adjustment techniques. If you believe you have a misaligned rib contact us at 07 3818 2488 during office hours.

What Is Neck Pain?

Our neck, or formally our cervical spine, begins at the base of our skulls and contains seven vertebrae. Our neck supports 5 to 6kg at all times and can move in any direction and as such, is susceptible to pain and injury. Due to the biomechanics of our cervical spine daily activities and events can have a significant effect on our neck pain. Some activities that can affect our pain include extended sitting, repetitive movement, accidents, falls and blows to the body or head, normal aging, and manual labor.

Other common medical issues that can cause recurring and persistent neck pain include:

  • Osteoarthritis, which is caused when bone spurs form which can affect joint motion and increase susceptibility to pain.

  • Spinal stenosis causes the small nerve passageways in the vertebrae to narrow, compressing and trapping nerve roots. Stenosis may cause neck, shoulder, and arm pain, as well as numbness when these nerves are unable to function normally.

  • Degenerative disc disease can cause the reduction of elasticity in the spine

Dr Paul Nothdurft can help with your neck pain and help identify the cause of the pain. A regular chiropractic appointment can help to reduce and prevent neck pain. If you have neck pain consider contacting us at 07 3818 2488 during office hours.